hey girl!

What if You Could Find Who You’re Meant to Be

by identifying what is keeping you stuck in who you’re not?

Introducing the webinar to help you do it! This webinar will teach you the five areas of your life that could be potentially hindering you from eliciting positive change in who you are!

hi im coach courtney


Green Check

You know you’re not being your best self-but don’t know where to even begin to find her...

Green Check
Green Check

You’ve recently went through a life transition, (illness, divorce, graduation, career...) & don’t know who you are anymore...

You wish you could create active change in your life but for some reason never see progress...

Green Check

You wish you could find who you really are and feel confident in that person...

then you need this

Here's How My Program Can Help

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You could probably spend a lot of time in introspection...journaling, reading, walking in silence and identify where the struggle is. Or I could just pinpoint it for you.



You could delve into books and podcasts and gather the information you need over time...lots of time...or you can spend an hour and a half getting a head start.

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You could invest hundreds of dollars into therapy, 1:1 coaching, more books...more courses...or you could hit a one-stop-shop to get you started on your evolution.

10 +

years of experience


years of my own healing


clients helped

kind words

"Courtney has been such a wonderful coach to work with. She has a wealth of knowledge and welcoming energy which helped me feel at ease to connect with her. We achieved more than I expected in the 12 weeks together, and I am beyond grateful that she was able to help me dig deep into blockages in my root chakra. I feel so much better that I have been able to release the trauma which was holding me back. Excited to see what the future will bring."



5 Things Keeping You Stuck in a Past Version of Yourself

in this webinar you'll learn

Green Check
Green Check

How to let go of past versions of yourself that no longer align with who you want to be & the life you want to create

How to be action-oriented and intentional with creating change

Green Check

How to navigate through fears of the unknown as you’re embracing change

Green Check

The role of your beliefs and how to begin rewriting them to live more authentically

here's how we'll do it


We'll Identify What’s Keeping You Stuck

I will go over five main areas of Self that need to be attended to before you can really begin to see change occur both internally and externally.


We'll Give You Action Steps for Each

For each of the five identified areas of Self, I will give you exercises and actionable skills to help not only identify the hindrance, but to help begin to facilitate change in those areas.


We'll Make a Plan for the Future

At the conclusion of the webinar, I’ll give you a list of ways you can continue to grow and evolve, along with a special bonus that will be a literal step-by-step GUIDE for you on how to create the next era of your life.

What if This Could Be Your Reality?

Feeling free from the past, free from the beliefs and identities that were misaligned and you felt shackled to. Clear and confident in who you are, self-accepting, self-validating, and not afraid of what’s to come, but instead co-creating what’s to come...


i'm courtney

I’m a licensed therapist and certified spiritual life coach who loves to talk about the various aspects of personal identity, such as: values, beliefs, goals, and passions.

I’ve been a therapist for 10 years and moved into life coaching a few years ago, but began specializing in identity work following my own identity struggle and journey.

My mission is to empower you to foster self-awareness & acceptance, and be your best self.

Let's take a sneak peek inside

Fear of the


Module 02

Can we fear what we don’t know?

Inside the webinar we will talk about the importance of rewriting old narratives to be able to choose a new way to be-and the role that fear plays in hindering this process.

but who am i?

A common question I’ll hear is that people know they want to change, but aren’t sure into WHOM. This is something that keeps them stuck, & something we go over!

Module 03

Two Key Aspects of change

Knowledge and understanding of these two aspects is a NECESSITY to being able to create purposeful change in your life. They may be the secret to your “stuckness!”

Snag Our Exclusive Bonuses


stay until the end of the webinar!

Space rocket launch
Coming soon

IS THIS webinar FOR YOU?

Green Check
  • You’re ready to create massive internal change but can’t seem to gain momentum

  • You feel so stuck in who you’ve been that you have no idea how to grow

  • You’ve recently gone through a life transition & aren’t sure you know yourself anymore

  • You want to create a new version of yourself but don’t know where to begin

  • You’re interested in self-discovery

Traditional Holiday Element-22
  • You’re unwilling to put in work to evolving who you are

  • You feel like you can grow and evolve on your own

  • You feel confident in who you are or who you are becoming

  • You’re on your self-discovery journey and making lots of headway

  • You have zero interest in changing who you are or anything about your life

Enroll Now and Change Your Life

You've Got Questions?

we've got answers


What if I don’t know where/ or if I need to create change?

If you think you need to create change in your life but don’t know where...this webinar will give you five great places to start! If you’re not sure whether you need to or not, you will know after you watch!


What if I’ve never done any self-development?

This is a great place to start! The concepts are simple but still deep, and you’ll definitely leave feeling like you’ve begun a self-development journey and know where to go next.


What if I’m not sure whether I know who I am or not?

If you don’t know, then you don’t know. Being able to identify your values & beliefs, your boundaries your purpose...those are all very clear when it comes to the Self.


What if I know everything you’re going to teach me?

If you’ve heard all of the education and skills in the video, there’s still a 100% chance you haven’t heard them from me. Maybe I say one thing or spark one idea for you that no one else has...that would be worth it for a free hour!

Will I See You There?

This is 1 hour and 23 minutes of information and application, you can sit and watch or play in your headphones and listen as you move about! Excited to see you in the chat after you watch!

xx courtney

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